life poem 在 "Life Falls Apart" poem by Sean Buranahiran 的影片資訊
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別基隆四首《Leaving Keelung》is a poem written by my grandfather in 1965. It recounts a three year period w...
#SNKが稼働させた、AC用2D対戦格闘作の第2作目。 特徴としては、自キャラのガードポーズへの移行モーション中に発動する避け攻撃の追加、斜め前方に入力によるしゃがみ移動が可能、LIFEゲージ赤点滅時...
The song is a combination of Chinese style and rock style. I am the arranger of this song, PhebeChou...
Hello!! 最後まで観てくださったみなさま、ありがとうございます!!!❤︎ 今回の動画では、 私が今までにいろいろな場面で紹介してきた''ソウルノート'' の詳しい書き方についてお話しました*...
This is a poem that I wrote after I went to 撒固兒瀑布in Hualien, Taiwan. Basically I wanted to convey th...
Disney's Mulan Parody Trailer #MULAN Her family wants her to be a lady and stay home and not fight...
Villain Hitting Poem by QQ -- Beat your little head, Wish u very sad Beat your little face, Wish yo...
Something I have wanted to share from my culture and was looking for the right opportunity... Hope t...